Sunday, June 1, 2014

Show Nuff

So as Halo grew I started to really see the potential in this little ugly duckling I'd gotten. She just kept getting bigger and prettier. She was over 15hh and very pretty.

I mean, who looks that pretty with wonky legs, a dirty blanket and your eyes squinted?

I began to think I should probably aim her towards her first show. She'd been to a few winter schooling shows to hang out at this point, but never actually shown. This meant she had to be bathed, clipped, and easily handled. Easier said than done! But we did it!

Look at my naked nosey! Mom says we need to clip it close so that it has room to grow before we show.

And even cooler....? We did it! We went to our first show and went Region V Reserve Champion 2yo Fillies SHIH open! She was an absolute saint, such a good girl and made me realize I'd regret it if I didn't get her to as you can guess--we made it a goal!

LL Carrye Oon and Tara Lovre -- 2013 Region V 2yo Fillies In Hand RESERVE CHAMPIONS!!